On the one hand, dust is associated with neglect of the house, the absence of life in it – especially when a thick layer of such a coating is found on the furniture. On the other hand, dust settles on various surfaces, including as a result of people being in the rooms. One way or another, it is impossible to get rid of it forever – even with hermetically closed windows and a complete lack of air movement in the room. And this is bad news for people with allergies or bronchial asthma – dust often contains all kinds of allergens that cause attacks of shortness of breath and coughing, potentially threatening the health of the apartment’s residents. Having understood where these particles appear on various surfaces, you can find an effective cleaning method that will not require you to remember to clean all the furniture from dust every couple of days. If you use the tips below effectively, you can be puzzled by cleaning only once a week, if not less often. Large dust — the kind that accumulates in small clumps in hard-to-reach places — cannot be removed permanently unless you come to the apartment every few months. Large clumps mainly originate from organic particles: skin, hair, fur. However, with the right cleaning method, you can significantly reduce the number of these particles, thereby making wet cleaning less regular. A few tips that will help you vacuum less often: Wipe the dust with a damp cloth, starting from the upper surfaces, gradually descending to the lower ones — this way all the particles from the higher surfaces will not settle where everything is already clean. Try to vacuum the carpets every week, or even better — shake them out. Everyone is well aware of the property of carpets to collect a lot of dirt — and now imagine that every step you take throws it back into the air. The same thing happens with upholstered furniture and pillows – they also need to be vacuumed from time to time (and, if possible, thoroughly cleaned) so that a new portion of dust does not fly into the air with each collision with the furniture. Don’t forget about curtains either – without regular washing or steaming, they will become an excellent home for millions of dust particles. Bed linen also needs to be changed, washed and treated. Dust mites are conditionally harmless insects that are found in every home. The main problem that arises due to their coexistence in fabrics is increased dust formation, so you can’t do without treating bed linen either. In general, any soft objects should be replaced with those that are not capable of accumulating dust, if possible. Hide plush toys, unnecessary decorative pillows, and generally take an inventory of such things in the house. Once soft surfaces are minimized and a full wet cleaning is carried out, there will be no trace of dust left, and it will not return soon.
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