Sometimes having time to prepare everything on time is a practically impossible task for a housewife. But there are life hacks that will save time.
Make preparations in advance
Preparing preparations in advance is a great way to save yourself time and thereby simplify your life. Most often, preparing the necessary ingredients, as well as their subsequent cutting, takes a lot of time. Having made the necessary preparations, you should simply put them in a container and send them to the freezer or refrigerator. Thus, all the necessary preparations will be at hand before preparing dishes.
Two things at once
If you want to save time in the kitchen, then you should learn to multitask. For example, you can simultaneously cook spaghetti, and also cut tomatoes and prepare sauce for a future dish from them or make a salad.
Plan your menu
Planning is necessary not only at work and in business, but in general in any area of life, including the kitchen. It is recommended to plan your diet in advance, at least a week in advance. Then you can immediately buy all the necessary ingredients and not worry about missing something and having to run to the store again. This way, you can save a lot of time.
Freeze correctly
Many housewives have encountered a problem when pieces of meat stuck to each other and had to defrost the entire product at once. Then cut off what you need and send the rest back to the freezer. Therefore, you should cut the meat or fish into pieces in advance and put each in a separate bag. This way, you can easily get the piece you need to cook and not bother with defrosting.
Cook for several times
There is such food that can be stored for 2-3 days and at the same time absolutely not spoil. Therefore, to save time, you should cook twice or three times as many portions, so that later you do not stand at the stove and do not waste time cooking again. This way, you can simply take the food out of the refrigerator and reheat it.