Not everyone loves cleaning, but everyone loves a clean house. Sometimes getting ready to clean can be so difficult and exhausting that it takes all your energy away.

Fortunately, there are several schemes that will help you get ready to clean. Thanks to them, you won’t love cleaning with all your heart, of course, but at least you will stop hating it.

Start small
Space organizer Dee Ter Avest advises not to immediately start cleaning the entire room, because this can really get you confused. Instead, start small – a drawer or a shelf. This will allow you to smoothly move on to the cleaning process. In addition, when you immediately see progress, cleaning will become a little more interesting.

Set a timer
Another interesting tip is to choose a time during which you will clean, and when it is over – take a break. Let it be 20-30 minutes, but during this time you will be fully focused on cleaning. Taking a short break will allow you to rest and come back refreshed.

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Knowing you have a set end point can help reduce pressure and make the task less daunting. You can stop when the timer goes off, or you can feel motivated to continue after a short break, says Dee Ter Aveste.

Prepare a box for unwanted items
Before you start cleaning, prepare a box or bag for things you no longer need. Don’t leave clothes or items you no longer use, as they will only fill up your space and add to the clutter.

This simple process will not only help you declutter, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment. When you see the box filling up, you will feel like you are doing something positive, the expert added.

Focus on one thing
It’s important not to get distracted while cleaning, as this will delay the results for a long time. Focus on one thing at a time and don’t move on to another until you’ve completely organized your space. For example, put away your books first, then move on to the dirty dishes.

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