Let’s figure out why we need to find time to cook:

When cooking at home for our family, we choose the best ingredients: fresh, high-quality, with a minimum amount of fat and chemical additives;
When cooking food at home, we don’t need to worry about its long shelf life, which means we won’t add preservatives, excessive salt and sugar, flavor enhancers, etc. to it;
Not only the composition but also the atmosphere in which we eat it speaks in favor of food cooked at home;
By investing effort and time in cooking, we will treat it with great respect and, perhaps, we will not eat in front of the TV or laptop, behind a book or phone, but will gather at the table with our family.
How to cook quickly and with pleasure

What can be done to make cooking not a difficult daily routine, but bring pleasure and joy?

Order in the kitchen

Convenience is one of the main conditions for quick cooking. Dishes and products should be arranged so that they can be quickly retrieved from memory and with your eyes closed. After use, they should be returned to their place.

If you regularly use the same frying pan, you do not need to put it away in a far cupboard after use, next to those that are rarely used. And if you add cinnamon to tea, meat, or season porridge, put the jar next to the salt.

Clean cooking utensils

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After dinner, you should transfer the leftovers from the pan to a container and store them in the refrigerator, and wash the pan. After all, when the dishes are needed, they will still have to be taken out, emptied, and washed. And this will delay the cooking process.

Always sharp knives

You will not cut much with a dull knife, especially not quickly. Regularly sharpen each knife after washing it. Then you will not have to spend time on this during the next cooking.

Planning your menu in advance

Make a list of the dishes you cook most often and cook them in a circle. This way you will immediately get rid of several problems:

You will know in advance what you will cook tomorrow.
Go to the store once and buy everything according to the plan.
Following the list, you will cook different meals every day.
Soon you will memorize the recipes by heart.
This will save money, because there is less chance of making spontaneous purchases. And even if the baked fish was on Sunday, and it is repeated, for example, on Thursday, the menu will still be varied.

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